
Thursday 7 November 2019



Birthday wishes at work - you can not hide that this is a habit that has been functioning in many companies for a long time. If we practice making wishes between colleagues, you also can't forget about the boss. Is it appropriate to make a wish at all on such a personal occasion - and how to do it?

Birthday wishes at work - you can not hide that this is a habit that has been functioning in many companies for a long time. If we practice making wishes between colleagues, you also can't forget about the boss. Is it appropriate to make a wish at all on such a personal occasion - and how to do it?
Birthday wishes - yes or no?

Before we approach the topic enthusiastically, because we genuinely like our boss and want to wish him well from the heart, make sure that he celebrates this opportunity. The fact is that in Poland, especially in today's generations of forty- and fifty-year-olds and older, is the custom of celebrating the name day. Some celebrate it more loudly than their birthday. There are people who do not like the latter. Maybe someone's birthday is depressing, for various reasons, or maybe he considers it a very personal occasion and he will never stick to a word in the company. If we know that the boss himself clearly does not celebrate his birthday, then let us wish our name-day wishes, and we can celebrate the birthday with those round, usually boisterous.
How to wish wishes to the boss?

Wishes for the boss on the occasion of birthday and other occasions do not differ in many respects from wishes for colleagues and acquaintances. The rules of savoir-vivre require that you submit your wishes in person, and if you do not have such opportunities - for example, the birthday on your birthday is on the go - we can give a greeting card or other trifle as soon as he returns. Friends should call on their holiday. If the boss does not maintain social relations outside the company - it is good to sense, based on his character and habits, whether such a phone will be well read.

Depending on the size of the company, everyone can wish his boss, and a delegation of several people may be sent - with a card signed by all employees. Such a card is always a good idea, because it will remain a permanent trace, it also shows that we have tried.

When we make our wishes , we limit ourselves to a cordial handshake. Of course, there are young bands in which everyone is on their own name and goes for a beer after work. Then a gentle hug and a pat on the back is a gesture that will come naturally. However, it's better to always have professional respect for your boss.
Wishes for the boss for his birthday - examples

The important question still remains, what to wish the boss for his birthday. Because we are in a business relationship, even if relaxed and cordial, it is not appropriate to make a wish in the office to focus on the details of personal life.

Wishes for the boss should be sincere, neutral and not binding on either party. So we can wish the boss "successful beginnings and happy endings of all initiatives undertaken", more metaphorically: "wind in sails", "wide paths to success".

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It is always a good idea to refer in your wishes to successes and challenges. It is also worth emphasizing by the way (of course honestly, without too much foolishness) that the boss inspires us and we admire him.

Wishes like "Best Boss - to always remain like a lighthouse in the storms" will not be an exaggeration. On the one hand, we wish the boss to keep calm, strength against adversity and unwavering confidence, which is what it takes to be an effective manager. On the other hand, we also show that for us he is the one who leads us to the goal.

Wishes are a controversial issue. Aversion to them is due in large part to the fact that they are not very well suited to the person to whom we send them. It also happens that, for example, during the holidays one person gets the same wishes many times, even if they are the ones they themselves sent.

The use of cash can be read as sending them to a detachable, without commitment and just because it falls out. For this reason, when sending wishes to the boss for a birthday and using ready-made texts, you should try to make them fit the boss, our team and, importantly, that they do not repeat every year - it's probably the worst that can happen. And it's best if you want to compose poems for the boss, involve the whole team and arrange them yourself. Of course, a lot depends on the company's character and habits.

We can give a card with verse wishes to the team leader, with whom we spend a lot of time and joking during breaks. However, it will be embarrassing and not very appropriate, if it's the wishes for the director, whom we hardly see in person on a daily basis, or work in a place where the atmosphere is rather formal.
Birthday present for the boss - buy or not?

Many people are against making wishes for the boss's birthday presents.

First of all, a gift premium for someone who earns much more from us can be resisted, especially when relations in the company are rather stiff.

Secondly, it is not clear what to buy. We won't give the boss what he needs and what he really dreams about, especially if it's an expensive watch, sports equipment or concert tickets. It is better to let it go, or limit yourself to a potted plant, if both sides would not be happy with giving and receiving a gift anyway.

On the other hand, if the atmosphere in the company is loose or friendly, we can try a gadget on the desk - if our boss is happy with it - or make a poster to hang as a team. However, the point is not to force yourself to do anything, but only to show the memory of birthdays - a greeting card from everyone will be quite enough.

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