Wish Dear | Love | Romances articles


Thursday 7 November 2019

November 07, 2019

What to wish people - ideas for different occasions

What to wish people - ideas for different occasions

I don't know about you, but I've always had a problem making wishes. Well, what can you wish for a second person here. Health? It is not dependent on man, only immunity. Money? Money is earned by working, so it's also poor. Love? Seriously, this is not a goal in the lives of many people. And the worst, how little you know someone, or vice versa - you know that this person (seems) has everything in life. And regardless of the occasion, I ended up listening to the entire wish list for a few minutes and answering only thanks (birthday) or each other (other occasions). Do you know it

Generally, I have the problem with wishes that most do not focus on the person to whom these wishes are made - this is a bit wild, but you will see examples. When you wish your mother to be "happy with the children," do you really mean that the children would behave politely and be loved, or that the mother would always be happy with what these children would do (whatever you think it would mean)? I also saw wishes for "low taxes". So that this person should earn the lowest domestic, have no job, or maybe move to a country where the system of remuneration and taxes is more citizen friendly?

If you wish someone "health, health and money again", you don't sound funny at all, but once you wish someone something that you can't swim at all, you still wish that - I don't know - he got a raise, did he win on the dart? I do not even mention the wish of "100 years", because at such an age, everyday life becomes (to put it mildly) uncomfortable and I probably would not want to live to that age.

As an example, I throw here wishes with sense that one of my friends recently received. May there be more such wishes in the world.

Now, when the average person has several hundred friends on Facebook, there are several options: do not make wishes at all (but it's a bit burry), write "all the best" (which in total is very nice and okay, but several dozen have already written it / a few hundred people ahead of you) or make nice wishes that the birthday boy will remember a little longer than three face scrolls (don't even think about rhymes!). What to wish people

For a long time, when my friends have a birthday, I wonder what their problems were, their joys, what they wrote about and what photos they shared - one can deduce much more from this than it might seem. Since I am not the only person who does not know what to wish for another person (with whom, for example, you do not contact every day), but thinks of someone warmly about it (and even if you contact, you still have no clue), I have prepared a list ready-made things that you can wish someone - not just for your birthday . Use them boldly!
  • start seeking happiness before you think the time has come;
  • always remember that you are the most important person in your life, so love and take care of yourself as much as you can;
  • have faith in your skills - you are good enough;
  • find the courage to act because you already have the motivation;
  • be curious about the world and learn all your life;
  • dare to want;
  • act, think and speak according to what your heart tells you;
  • do one small thing every day that will bring you closer to making your dream come true;
  • from any situation, conversation or experience - take something for yourself;
  • see the good things that are happening around you every day;
  • without inhibitions and with an open mind, absorb the whole world;
  • there will always be people who disagree with you or have a different idea for life - listen to them and then do what you want to do;
  • be a good person - before you say something to yourself, ask yourself: will it be nice?
  • take care first of all about your own happiness - a happy person makes others happy;
  • have the ability to enjoy what you already have before reaching for something you desire;
  • love and remember those who help you - forgive and forget those who hurt you;
  • do things well and enjoy your successes, but also know that you will do some things wrong - draw conclusions from them;
  • live your life, make your dreams come true, realize your own plans - feel the joy of it;
  • have doubts (it's human!) and keep going on your way to finding the truth;
  • share yourself and get twice as much from life as you give;

On clarification: I know what the idea of ​​wishes is and I have nothing against it. I just wish that wishes were nice things that we tell others honestly and that results from warm thinking about them. And not quitting just anything, because "it falls out".
November 07, 2019

Best Birthday Wishes

Best Birthday Wishes for your birthday. The tradition of celebrating birthday dates back to ancient times. Today, it is primarily an opportunity to make birthday wishes, give gifts and social gatherings. The most characteristic customs associated with birthdays are singing a birthday song (in Poland? A hundred years?) And a birthday cake. We put candles on the cake - as many candles as the jubilee ends. Before blowing out the candles, the birthday boy should make a wish, if he manages to blow them all out at once, then the wish will come true. It has been accepted that round birthdays (for example 30, 50) are celebrated extremely loudly. Also, the eighteenth birthday is special, because in Poland it is the moment of coming of age and a symbolic entry into adulthood - in 2016, people born in 1998 will come of age.

Every year on this day, I wish you
joy, love, and good luck.
This year I am also sending a good word.
Let this day be awesome!
Happy Birthday! Fulfillment of dreams, the courage to implement plans and a bit of luck to make everything work out. May you have as many successes as possible, and fail with a high head. One hundred years!
One hundred years! May you remember each subsequent year with a smile. Look ahead, never be afraid of tomorrow and face challenges with courage, both in your professional and personal life.
One hundred years! May you remember each subsequent year with a smile. Look ahead, never be afraid of tomorrow and face challenges with courage, both in your professional and personal life.
Happy Birthday! Dreams come true, including the innermost ones, lots of good surprises, adventures, travels, loyal friends and love. Let the next year of your life be remembered as the most beautiful, full of joy and love. 
Another year passed quickly! On this occasion, I wish you that your desires would come true, the future would look like you planned it, that you would rediscover the beauty of this world every day, and that enthusiasm and motivation would never leave you.
May you be as joyful as it is today. You are a unique person whose smile can work wonders. Don't lose faith in people, see life as a great adventure, laugh and dance as often as possible!
Happy Birthday! Fulfillment of dreams, successful gifts, a fantastic event spent among the best friends and success throughout the next year of your life. One hundred years!
Every year on the same day I wonder what to write here so that you know how much I like you and how well I wish you. Therefore, this year I will write only: live a hundred years in health and happiness!
I hope you know that I wish you the best. But because the custom tells you to wish your birthday, I send you cordialities, hug you, give you the power of kisses and add: happy birthday!
I hope you know that I wish you the best. But because the custom tells you to wish your birthday, I send you cordialities, hug you, give you the power of kisses and add: happy birthday!
On my birthday, I wish you the best: make you happy every day, have lots of positive energy, health and strength to take on challenges, so that you never run out of love and friendship in your life.
Glow with the health, enjoy the moment and look happily into the future. I wish you that you would meet only good surprises and unforgettable adventures. Happy Birthday!
On the occasion of your birthday, I wish you to meet only those who show you what good, wisdom, patience, and understanding are on your way. Let all worries stay away from you! 
On the occasion of my birthday, I send wishes: a crazy party, unforgettable holidays, happiness in love, loyal friends, only sunny days, successes at work and that you can always do what you like. One hundred years!
November 07, 2019



Birthday wishes at work - you can not hide that this is a habit that has been functioning in many companies for a long time. If we practice making wishes between colleagues, you also can't forget about the boss. Is it appropriate to make a wish at all on such a personal occasion - and how to do it?

Birthday wishes at work - you can not hide that this is a habit that has been functioning in many companies for a long time. If we practice making wishes between colleagues, you also can't forget about the boss. Is it appropriate to make a wish at all on such a personal occasion - and how to do it?
Birthday wishes - yes or no?

Before we approach the topic enthusiastically, because we genuinely like our boss and want to wish him well from the heart, make sure that he celebrates this opportunity. The fact is that in Poland, especially in today's generations of forty- and fifty-year-olds and older, is the custom of celebrating the name day. Some celebrate it more loudly than their birthday. There are people who do not like the latter. Maybe someone's birthday is depressing, for various reasons, or maybe he considers it a very personal occasion and he will never stick to a word in the company. If we know that the boss himself clearly does not celebrate his birthday, then let us wish our name-day wishes, and we can celebrate the birthday with those round, usually boisterous.
How to wish wishes to the boss?

Wishes for the boss on the occasion of birthday and other occasions do not differ in many respects from wishes for colleagues and acquaintances. The rules of savoir-vivre require that you submit your wishes in person, and if you do not have such opportunities - for example, the birthday on your birthday is on the go - we can give a greeting card or other trifle as soon as he returns. Friends should call on their holiday. If the boss does not maintain social relations outside the company - it is good to sense, based on his character and habits, whether such a phone will be well read.

Depending on the size of the company, everyone can wish his boss, and a delegation of several people may be sent - with a card signed by all employees. Such a card is always a good idea, because it will remain a permanent trace, it also shows that we have tried.

When we make our wishes , we limit ourselves to a cordial handshake. Of course, there are young bands in which everyone is on their own name and goes for a beer after work. Then a gentle hug and a pat on the back is a gesture that will come naturally. However, it's better to always have professional respect for your boss.
Wishes for the boss for his birthday - examples

The important question still remains, what to wish the boss for his birthday. Because we are in a business relationship, even if relaxed and cordial, it is not appropriate to make a wish in the office to focus on the details of personal life.

Wishes for the boss should be sincere, neutral and not binding on either party. So we can wish the boss "successful beginnings and happy endings of all initiatives undertaken", more metaphorically: "wind in sails", "wide paths to success".

The basis of effective team work is effective communication. Learn the rules and tools to facilitate communication. Build business relationships more boldly and effectively. We invite you to take part in training: business communication training , assertiveness training , team building .

It is always a good idea to refer in your wishes to successes and challenges. It is also worth emphasizing by the way (of course honestly, without too much foolishness) that the boss inspires us and we admire him.

Wishes like "Best Boss - to always remain like a lighthouse in the storms" will not be an exaggeration. On the one hand, we wish the boss to keep calm, strength against adversity and unwavering confidence, which is what it takes to be an effective manager. On the other hand, we also show that for us he is the one who leads us to the goal.

Wishes are a controversial issue. Aversion to them is due in large part to the fact that they are not very well suited to the person to whom we send them. It also happens that, for example, during the holidays one person gets the same wishes many times, even if they are the ones they themselves sent.

The use of cash can be read as sending them to a detachable, without commitment and just because it falls out. For this reason, when sending wishes to the boss for a birthday and using ready-made texts, you should try to make them fit the boss, our team and, importantly, that they do not repeat every year - it's probably the worst that can happen. And it's best if you want to compose poems for the boss, involve the whole team and arrange them yourself. Of course, a lot depends on the company's character and habits.

We can give a card with verse wishes to the team leader, with whom we spend a lot of time and joking during breaks. However, it will be embarrassing and not very appropriate, if it's the wishes for the director, whom we hardly see in person on a daily basis, or work in a place where the atmosphere is rather formal.
Birthday present for the boss - buy or not?

Many people are against making wishes for the boss's birthday presents.

First of all, a gift premium for someone who earns much more from us can be resisted, especially when relations in the company are rather stiff.

Secondly, it is not clear what to buy. We won't give the boss what he needs and what he really dreams about, especially if it's an expensive watch, sports equipment or concert tickets. It is better to let it go, or limit yourself to a potted plant, if both sides would not be happy with giving and receiving a gift anyway.

On the other hand, if the atmosphere in the company is loose or friendly, we can try a gadget on the desk - if our boss is happy with it - or make a poster to hang as a team. However, the point is not to force yourself to do anything, but only to show the memory of birthdays - a greeting card from everyone will be quite enough.

Saturday 13 July 2019

July 13, 2019

Romance and politics: Love, Romance and property

Romance and politics: Love, Romance, and property

There is a lot of connection between love, romance, and wealth, not because anyone with products, items, money, etc. often guarantees reproduction and ultimately love, but because the loved one, and the individual who is our Romance partner is also regarded a property.

At this stage in information dissemination, anyone understands or can readily understand the topic by google, that love, romance, family and interactions between males and females have not always been as we now see them. In fact, the ways of associating for mutual protection, matting and raising puppies at the beginning of humanity were very different from what was intended to make people natural and substantial:
There have been and still are distinct methods of love and romance on this planet, from scarcely controlled liberty to group marriage, polyandry, polygamy, and so on, to our very repressive and questionable lifelong monogamy, which for a large proportion of Chileans becomes a truth in a sequential monogamy, to mitigate the catastrophic psychological impacts of this straitjacket on human beings.

Well, when one of these types of partnership is the predominant one, it has significant impacts on the whole social organization, as Engels well-identified in his job The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. And in turn, this social organization is printing out methods to be, feel, think, value, and react to all things, particularly those that threaten that social organization's structure.

And the primary value in our very western Christian type of social organization is property, property and not the family, as we wanted to produce: the property is what the system protects, not the family. Moreover, the family is a way of preserving the estate.

And why are we desperately needing property? Because she is an instrument to exorcize the distress of the need for survival and the certainty of knowing that we will not survive as well, no matter how much we pervade others. The estate provides a feeling of safety well-being, all that safety we lose by losing the natural cooperative bonds we once had at the start of our species.

And if the family is functional to the estate, the romance property is useful to both the family and the property itself: that feeling that seems so valid to us, that who we love or with whom we have romance on an ongoing basis, is an individual who belongs to us, which is our property: we tell my spouse, my husband, my love, my partner. And what we're saying when we're using this possessive adjective isn't insignificant: we're telling others, the possessed individual, and ourselves, that it's ours, we're going to take care of it, treasure it, and protect it, even if needed against their own will.

This reality, as you can see, is not necessarily abusive or repressive. Moreover, it is often a symbiotic relationship that, although it usually takes the form of a parasitic connection, is generally a kind of mutual engagement and reward agreement. For the remainder, there are those who enjoy possessing everything, stuff, authority, romance because of their psychological features; and there are those who enjoy the reverse on the B side of that personality characteristic: they go light for life, have little to worry about, are possessed rather than possessed, in stuff and in romance.

Therefore, it is very evident and scandalous that there is nothing to see and say that there is a lot of natural and at the same moment atavistic given that the beloved individual or one who is our continuous romance object is profound and more or less unconscious of our being, deemed our private property. There have been times and not very far away when it was entirely valid, but times are changing, at least in wishes and appearances, but at the bottom of us, they are changing more slowly and with difficulty.

And from these forces of tension and comparative equilibrium, from what we are rooted in one sense and from what we want to be as humanity in another reason, from the friction between the tectonic plates of what we are and can and want, an intense war arises all the time, exhausting and too many times deadly.

Thus, for instance, few individuals can keep in public, keeping their foreheads up and without risking some legal issues, that because the dog is theirs they can do with him what they want: common sense, social empathy, and some shy regulations prevent animal abuse-except for that excellent criminal complicity which is the industrialized animal and bird breeding for consumption.

But in a more private sphere, the property of the loved one, of the person with whom we have a permanent romance relationship, is less socially sanctioned, not at all legalized and still legitimized in some way. So much so that while fewer and fewer songs are written that say so, there are still some around, like the "Private Property" bolero of love, consisting of Modesto Lopez, Victor Jara's friend, and retrograde person, at least in their political or Latin American roles, and that speaks relatively of this considering our property to whom we love and romance. And Vicentico introduces the concept to the young individuals in his version of "Something with you"Control your life ' in one of the theme's verses.

That is, little society gets into this problem, which could well be considered as an effort against the dignity of people, their liberty, growth, etc. And this is so powerful that too often, in the face of their partner's infidelity, the individuals impacted are orienting their anger, resentment, hatred, jealousy or pure psychopathy, not against their partner, who is the one who has the promise of fidelity, but against the other individual, as if he had stolen something. Unable to acknowledge that with another individual, it was his partner who voluntarily decided to love or romance.

This pathological perspective, which is nothing but the result of adaptation to a sick society, which makes us the same, is a severe issue in couples or post-separation therapies, because the energies of the "affected or influenced" are not directed to the correct subjects, such as love, change, communication, engagement, etc., but to assets, which steals from the infidel for taking from himself and us.

And there are few moments when this love, romance, and property connection finishes with the one impacted by infidelity locked in prison because of their blindness to know that individuals are not and should not be the property of anybody.

And it's in love and romance, as it is in all ownership, in the best of a pr stamp, though it's often been an ON appropriation.

Wednesday 10 July 2019

July 10, 2019

Notes on romantic love in capitalist culture: love as ownership

Notes on romantic love in capitalist culture: love as ownership

Historically, as a universal and eternal sensation, we presumed the concept of love and romantic love. However, there is a concrete origin and formulation of what we understand as romantic love, far from being something historical.

Love is a hard problem to define. Some many texts and journals abstractly approach this field. Theorizing about it, however, involves delving into the mental or emotional plane's connection with the entire social system. Or put another way: to understand that the characteristics and expression of love in the concrete take on meaning within historical contexts and particular social orders, far from being something individual, even if they incorporate subjective elements.

Love is not universal or ahistorical. Love is socially described by values that are connected in all its historical forms to organizations such as marriage or family and within the context of distinct manufacturing methods. We do not plan to cover all the aspects of this issue in this paper, but rather to create a first approach to the point of love concerning society.

Love story (s)

"Humanity has undertaken the job of controlling not only intersex interactions from its initial phases of social life but also love itself. In clan culture, morality built the love determined by blood ties as the ultimate virtue. When the tribal principle prevailed, and the first embryos of the political structure were formed, the loving form of friendship between two members of the same tribe enjoyed the highest esteem. "(Proletarian love ideology, 1923). Alexandra Kollontai starts with these phrases to detail the distinct types of love that have predominated in different cultures.

We see how love was configured concerning the interests of the various organizations that control social relationships in each level of culture. Love strengthened the bond of kinship in the clan community, which was structured by blood ties. The significant thing at the moment of the tribal concept was to generate spiritual and moral connections that firmly united their members beyond kinship with the tribe or community. Love-friendship was, therefore, a great virtue. The offspring were regarded as the highest virtue in the feudal era, which was purely due to the interests of the noble family, concerning their elders.

The research by Kollontai is comprehensive and based on many examples of mythology and literature. The absence of other research in this region, however, makes deepening it very hard. In addition to the precise profiling of the lines on which the distinct concepts of love were endorsed in each community, the idea that Kollontai is trying to express is the same with which the quotation starts: "From its initial social phases.

Marriage, love, and sexuality

We can say at this stage that intimacy, romance, and sexuality are not always related elements. When these three components are firmly connected, it will be under capitalism and bourgeois domination.

Marriage and sexuality started with the advent of patriarchy decades ago. The patriarchy-established dominance over women's body and sexuality produced gender inequality. “To ensure the fidelity of the woman and, consequently, the paternity of the children, she is handed over without reservation to the power of the man.” Engels expressed in The Origin of the Family Private Property and the State. It will be later, though, when love joins this equation as we know it in modern society.

The time when the bourgeoisie acquires political power and starts to expand the values of an individual-based culture is when something is deepened that has already occurred since the family emerged in society but is now highly accentuated. Plus. Something that Engels already expresses in The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State: "The family, focused on the married pair, is a room complete of emotions when the ancient community ties are broken. The passion of love as the core of the reproduction of the social system, for which certain domestication of sexuality was also essential."

The modern family takes on a significant position in society under capitalism. A portion of the essential reproduction for capitalism is practiced in the family and the political environment: the breeding and "tune-up" of the workers. This institution is reinforced by concrete and material processes such as the whole legal system (wedding contract, property and inheritance legislation), salary inequality or the burden of care that falls on females, making the family a unit "needed" for survival, but is also reinforced by subjective or emotional processes such as love.

Marriage, the regulation of the family, is based on two fundamental values to enhance the family as an organization: indissolubility and the concept of property over the other. We see that these values are praised as maximum by the ideals of romantic love and relate to achievement and happiness. Even in societies where there is more settlement of components of sexual freedom or divorce, the latter is seen as a failure and the former as a phase of life usually connected with youth. Society shows that we are all looking for our great love, that or that life partner, beyond the youth phase, deep down. A principle that denies each individual's concept of evolution, change, and psychological development throughout his or her existence.

The idea of ownership, for its part, is created through the notion of fidelity which is nothing more than the practice of purchase about sexuality and the body, but not only about the other's emotions and psychology. The concept of the emotional property also expands, invading free union, beyond legal marriage. In the broadest sense, this is genuinely monogamy.

Since the roots of this organization, monogamy has been connected with marriage and family. The family arises with an apparent social function: "Monogamy was born out of the concentration of excellent riches in the same hands-those of a person-and out of the willingness that only his kids inherit such wealth." This is how Engels explains the family's social function concerning the appearance of private property and eventually, the connection between the patriarchy and class society.

Thus, monogamy was the way to regulate the sexuality of women, avoiding legacy dispersion. However, other forms of monogamous family throughout the distinct human cultures made no reference to exclusivity or property concerning the mental or social plane, this was a constant in history since the advent of private property. However, something that happens under the domain of bourgeois morality is strongly connected with marriage, gender, and love.

In 1911, Kollontai articulated it as follows: "The Middle Ages knights even came to acknowledge their wives as having platonic worshipers and receiving the testimony of this worship of knights and menials. The idea of complete ownership, of ownership not only of the physical "I," but also of the spiritual "I" by the spouse, of the ideal that acknowledges the claim of property rights over the loved one's mental and emotional universe, is an ideal that has been entirely created and that has also been cultivated by the bourgeoisie to reinforce the foundations of the family,And that was also grown by the bourgeoisie to bolster the family's foundations, to guarantee its stability and strength during the era of battle to conquer its social dominance.

Engels will attempt to clarify the connection between love and the monogamous bourgeois family: "By transforming everything into goods, capitalist manufacturing demolished all the traditional ties of the past and substituted hereditary customs and historical rights with sales with the' free' agreement. Under capitalism, we are moving from a hereditary order of things to a freely agreed one. "And Engels will proceed:' It is necessary to employ individuals who can freely dispose of their individuals, actions, and property and who enjoy the same privileges. Precisely one of the primary duties of capitalist manufacturing was to create these' free' and' equal' individuals."Thus the marriage contract was officially voluntary in the new capitalist society, it should begin with the parties ' liberty of decision, and that will was expressed in reciprocal love. For Engels, "marriage for love has been proclaimed as a human right." It is not uncommon that at the time of the marriage formalization, the verbalization of the interested parties' will acquire great prominence through the "yes I want," and the seal of the contract is a kiss.

There is also another concept in the family equation that makes the component of love tremendously accessory. A fresh idea that Engels has created. It follows from his quotation(*) that romantic love under capitalism gains so much strength and expands to all social classes as a whole. It is also assumed by the proletariat as a whole, prepared by the bourgeois ideology to preserve its privileges, exalted by the doctrine imparted by the State, the Church and the media. The ruling class ' thoughts become the dominant ideas in a community, and the traditional forms of love are not alien to this equation.

There is the other aspect: the absence of security in modern culture suffered by most individuals, their isolation and confrontation with the surroundings. If we see how the destitute individual, the one who is part of the working class and the poorest sectors of society, faces the world, we will see their search for connections with others as "natural." The quest for love and shelter in the family becomes a question of survival in the face of the voracity of capitalism. But the bourgeois principles of ownership and indissolubility invade and disturb that "natural" desire for emotional bonding.

Sunday 7 July 2019

July 07, 2019

'Wishing to love.' That feeling that subdues us almost forever

'Wishing to love.' That feeling that subdues us almost forever

The movie's protagonists ' Desire to love.'

Wong Kar-Wai's movie, which is a profound reflection on human experience, emotion, and essential elements of life, stops with the freshly released spring in Wishing to love. Aspects that mark love and desire forever.

“He remembers those past years as if he were looking through a dusty window. He could see the past, but he couldn't touch it. And it's all blurry and confusing he considers. "They say that once an event memory has been created, it will no longer change the evocation. Desire provides significance to life, contrasting with the face of death, not just physical end, but emotions. Love could be more of a longing, a search, than a state in itself, and that persecution is sometimes discovered where we didn't want it to be found.

Wong Kar-Wai, director of Hong Kong, produced one of the most exuberant, sensual and devastating movies on the film scene in the last centuries. Wishing to love (In The Mood for Love), whose real title in Cantonese Fa Yeung nin wa means more or less "The freshness of flowers is preserved over time." A love story about love itself and how it remains in the minds of those it submits for much longer than any other feeling.

1962 Chow Mo-wan (Tony Leung) and Su Li-Zhen (Maggie Cheung) move to the same day's rental room house and become neighbors in Hong Kong. Both have late-working spouses who leave them alone for lengthy periods. Since the two are generally without business, in the halls, and on the roads, Chow and Su inevitably cross each other. The two have the certainty in their mind that they're respective. Chow and Su enter into a connection that is platonic, subtle, touching, and painful. They try to know how they met and joined their spouses, examining how, for their infidelity, they will face them. Finally, without any remedy, they discover themselves developing each other's emotions, desiring each other.

A generous unwanted tale of love in which longing and sweetness are confronted by the adultery that has tainted their life.

Wong Kar-Wai faces the lovers to maintain the moral attitude that each thinks the other has adopted. The posture leading to silence and the most intimate and painful secret. "If someone had a secret that he didn't want to share in the past, he climbed a mountain, searched for a tree, created a hole in it, whispered the secret in the hole, then covered it with mud and left the secret there forever."

In a crowded town with little room for secrets, risking everything to achieve a dream? The infinite punishment of treason, of loss. In a time when everything must be hidden, the grief for the lost opportunities. Anguish before the inclement memory, before the passage of time's ferocity. Loneliness. The hell of feeling unable to conquer the "maybe" hesitant and pitiful.

Elevates Desiring's director and screenwriter to love a profound reflection on human experience, emotion, and the underlying and moving consideration of essential elements of life, love, desire. Anxiety for each other, anxiety for themselves. A key lament, that of lack, no matter how near you are to the item you need, desired, creating-allow me-one of cinema's most lovely love tales.

Portrayed by Christopher Doyle, his usual director of photography, Wong Kar-Wai's camera gently moves to his characters, their looks, their hands, their backs, in no hurry, recreating. The camera moves from side to side as if it were a slow waltz, soaking the screen of colors and light, highlighting the closeness and at the same moment the remoteness of its characters, the angles that step on and imprison them. Wong Kar-while leaves the adulterous couple off the screen, we don't know their face, always standing before the two protagonists, smartly emphasizing that they're just the focus of attention, those who are almost always forgotten in other hands as victims of history "We'll never be like them."

Planning and accurate images that demonstrate the beauty of the time through slow movement. That which is concealed in the hallways, between the alleys or in the rain next to the gates. As a spy that scrutinizes some characters ' real feelings, alone, in minimal spaces, so much so that they can not be shown in their entirety and that describes them as distinctive in a paradoxically tumultuous and overcrowded town.

Like photography, Kar-Wai utilizes music with excellent outcomes; Yumeji's unforgettable theme, consisting of Umebayashi Shigeru and his outstanding cello, will inevitably become component of our sound memories as time goes on, just like the impeccable songs of the master Nat King Cole singing in Spanish, used as fingers pointing emotions.

You should definitely place this visual poem, touching, smart, elegant, lovely, in your life, at least once, Wishing to love, and check for yourself how a film becomes an artwork. I wish you the pleasure of it.

Friday 5 July 2019

July 05, 2019

7 Erich Fromm phrases about love

7 Erich Fromm phrases about love

The legacy in the love sentences of Erich Fromm remains to encourage us today. Because if we have to acknowledge something, it's not always simple to love. It needs bravery, action, engagement, and a strong feeling of humility and accountability. Few writers instructed us as much as Fromm himself about the topic.

The professor, poet and activist for peace, Thich Nhat Hahn, once said love without understanding love hurts the individual we love. The most complicated aspect of all this is that this process is often seen as passive. For many, the crush represents the side effect of that crush in which one is rendered, almost paralyzed; where there is no other choice but to let us go, than to expect the loved one to reciprocate, nurture and validate in an act without energy, creativity, and reciprocity.

Intelligently and thoroughly loving is the result of a deliberate act, a purpose that demands excellence and at the same time, demands it. We will derive in the most absolute frustration if we limit ourselves to being carried away, to act passively, to wait for the other to say, the other to do, the other to guess and correspond to me. This is what Erich Fromm, the social psychologist, psychoanalyst, and German philosopher, taught us in his book "The art of love," and these are a sequence of sentences that sum up this exceptional job that is always worth returning to.

Erich Fromm phrases about love

The art of love» is not a distinct work within Erich Fromm's vast and exciting intellectual heritage. In fact, it is a continuation of another novel, "Fear of Liberty." He had already discussed multiple elements of human nature in the latter and therefore felt the need to deepen that fundamental and essential dimension for individuals, such as love.

Therefore, if there is something I was looking for above all else, it was to educate us that love is an art and that as such it requires an exquisite mastery of both theory and practice, because, and this is essential to remember, love is the only solution to our life is the one who provides significance to us, who also includes importance to our community.

Let's see below what Erich Fromm's sentences sum up these thoughts best.

1. Love is the active interest in life and the development of what we love

If the book "The art of love" contains an interesting aspect, it is the thesis that most of us don't understand how to love. It may be a somewhat grim concept, but remembering the social context Fromm lived in is also lovely. There was a vast emptiness of values after the end of the Second World War, an existential crisis that forced many thinkers, philosophers, and psychologists to reformulate many ideas.

Therefore, love was and is the engine that should push us to be better. We are forced to work actively in our character and personal growth for this so that we can fulfill our self-love first and then love the other completely. This needs real humility, bravery, faith, and discipline.

2. Love is an activity, not a passive impact; it is a continuation, not a sudden beginning

We noted at the start. Being in love is not supposed to be a passive act, like someone who gets carried away without doing anything else. On the contrary, it is an act in which there is a lot of motion, will, and exchange in its pleasure.

This is another of Erich Fromm's most representative sentences, and we are encouraged to leave aside the cloud in which we are installed to reinforce that connection, to invest effort, to work hand in hand on the same project and to be the daily creators of our own relationship.

3. The concept of child love follows: "I love because they love me."

The concept of child love is: "I love it because they love me." At the start, mature love obeys: "I love them because I love them." Immature love says: I love you because I need them. Mature love states, "For I love you, I need you."

One of the sentences of Erich Fromm which is not restricted to the area of affective interactions alone. It has a lot to do with how individuals relate to culture itself: they do it more out of necessity or feeling of a want than out of altruism than out of genuine love for their colleagues.

For Fromm, this type of love, depending on need, is pathological. It means not attending to us or understanding each other, it means waiting for others to take responsibility for what we can't accomplish, and it's actually in our region of responsibility.

"The first step is to realize that love is an art, just as life is an art ; if we want to learn to love, we have to continue in the same manner that we have to continue if we want to know any other art, such as music, painting, carpentry or medical or engineering arts"

4. If two individuals were strangers

This is one of the most lovely sentences of Erich Fromm. It informs us about intimacy, the miracle that generally starts with appeal and ends with a more in-depth meeting that transcends the skin itself and sexuality. We're talking about the emotional attachment, discovering the other as an individual in all his nuances, his virtues, his faults, his essences.

We're talking about the intimacy in which slip trusts, the touch that bristles the skin's hair, or a relaxed and nostalgic conversation called stars that sneaks through those holes in the sky.

5. Love is fundamentally not a connection with a particular individual

In his job, Fromm wants us to know that individuals see love as an item rather than a faculty. Loving is not a dynamic that is restricted to our partnership, our parents, or our kids.

"Love" is enriching our life, it is an attitude that can give significance to this globe, a purpose that can transform society. However, as Fromm explains to us, in this contemporary culture, in our eagerness to fulfill our own requirements, even love, we have commercialized everything.

6. Paradoxically, two beings become one while remaining two at the same time

This is another of the best-known sentences of Erich Fromm, as well as one of the most inviting reflections. As we understand, to dilute ourselves in the loved one, particularly at the start of the relationship, is a temptation in which we tend to fall very often. It is a method of entropy that finishes its own identity, consuming essences, liberties, and dignities.

We can not forget that the real art of love is to remain us but to be involved in the same project. Being two in the same engagement, being two oriented towards enabling one's own and the couple's development.

7. There is an excellent distinction between falling in love and remaining in love

It's a love of consumption, use, and throw away. Where enthusiasm may occur, but also readily clouded by the other's lack of confidence and ignorance. A love that never takes shape before recycling. 

On the other side, who understands (and intends) to go beyond the original sexual attraction and enthusiasm, will attempt to build real intimacy, will try to be an artisan to make love true love, a mature and courageous love.

To conclude, in Erich Fromm's sentences, we learned that love is not just an act of mastery, where practice and theory are to be dominated. It also formulates the art of love as an active and accountable approach towards life and society itself. It is a transformative force requiring consciousness rather than conformity, claiming creativity rather than passivity.